Friday, October 16, 2009

Garam Masala

Garam Masala Recipe

3 cinnamon sticks broken into pieces
50 grm green cardamom pods, husked

2 Tablespoons of black cardamom pods, husked

25 grms cloves

25 grms black peppercorns

3 dried chillies

1/4 of a nutmeg grated

25 grms of cumin seeds

50 grms of coriander seeds

Place all spices in a dry frying pan and heat on a gentle heat until smoke starts to rise. This will take about 5 minutes. Keep the pan and spices moving all the time so as not to burn the spices.

Take off the heat and leave to cool.

Grind all the roasted spices in a coffee grinder until you have a fine powder.

Use as required.


  1. We have only sold ground cinnamon, how much it will be in grams? Approx.

  2. Hi Revolt.
    I would say that about 10 grams would be okay. but if you like the taste of cinnamon then you could increase it a little but not too much as it may overpower the taste.

